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I'm Monique and I help millennials accomplish their real estate goals! Read more about me
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How to Move Up with Ease Series
We all love our first home but eventually there comes a point when it’s time to move on. Life changes and so do our needs and wants in a home.
When you are ready for a new home but also have one to sell or rent-out, the stakes are much higher. This time around, you’ve got more to think about, plan, and “get right” then when you bought your first home.
This 5-part weekly series is a “how-to” guide for moving up to your next home with as little stress as possible. Whether it’s your first time moving up or you’ve done it before, this series is a great resource.
First up, how do you decide if you should move or stay in your current home.
Your cozy home now feels cramped. Your hip neighborhood now feels noisy. Your job and commute have now changed. Your oldest kid starts school next year. Your youngest kid graduated from college. And all of a sudden you keep hearing The Clash’s popular song in your head, “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”
You change. Life changes. And so do your needs and wants. Whatever the situation, you’re home just isn’t a good fit for your family’s needs and lifestyle anymore. It’s easy to put up with your current situation, but why not consider a new home.
Moving can be a hard decision, both financially and personally, so determine if you’re truly ready for it. Here’s what to consider before you start packing:
Your $$$ Situation
Your Needs & Wants
A condo unit and all of its amenities were perfect for you when you were on the go with travel and work. But maybe you’re more settled now and ready for a townhome or single-family home to take care of and spend time in with family and friends.
Or maybe you weren’t “ready” for a single-family home and its responsibilities a few years back as a first-time buyer. Now you’re a confident homeowner and you want your own space and yard and to not deal with your condo’s rules anymore.
Sometimes you can anticipate upcoming life changes that will happen in the next few years. It’s good to be prepared and perhaps plan an earlier move, especially if the housing market is good and rates are low. Timing can make or break the affordability of certain homes.
Making the decision about whether it’s time to go or if you should stay is sometimes the hardest part. I’d be happy to help you with how to think through what’s best, and, no, the answer isn’t always to sell just because I’m a real estate agent.
Sometimes the answer is not yet or wait until X time when it makes more sense. Think of me as your real estate counselor, helping you talk through these types of big real estate decisions.
Whether you move now or later doesn’t matter to me, I just want to help you when the time is right for you, not rush you into something that isn’t in your best interest too early.
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I got into real estate after I purchased my first home and felt completely lost. No one should feel that way... Read my full story
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